Are you trying to figure out this whole home loan mortgage modification process? Trying to understand it, find out if it is right for you and trying to find a place to start? You are just like millions of other homeowners confused and frustrated, needing the facts!
The first fact that you need is simple! Do your homework! Find out what your specific lender requires for approval. Every lender will have unique requirements, most will be similar but you need to know what your lender wants from you! You can't expect to qualify for anything if you don't know the criteria used to make that determination! There will be specific forms, information, documentation that you must have and complete accurately to apply!
The second fact that you must know is that the Federal Government has allocated $75 billion; yes I said billion dollars to lenders in order to assist you with saving your home! The lenders now have a lot of monetary incentive to get your loan modified! The idea is to help homeowners before it's too late. If you are delinquent now, or you think you will be delinquent soon, you need to contact your lender and get things started!
The third fact, and this is an important one, DO NOT give any financial information to your lender before getting all the information together accurately! Once you submit any financial information to your lender, you cannot change it! You can't make any adjustments at all! You get one chance at this; make sure you fill everything out accurately and completely before disclosing any specific information to your lender! You can contact your lender and ask what the requirements and criteria they use to approve a home loan mortgage modification without disclosing any of your financial information! Ask what documents are needed, what criteria must be met, get all the information you need in that first communication with your lender. Then take the time to fill everything out properly! Accuracy and completeness is paramount here! Only after you have gone over everything 3-4 times and are confident in your preparation should you give any financial information to the lender.